Acupuncture treatments consist of inserting thin, disposible needles into skin and soft tissue. Acupuncture treatments can stimiulate the body's own ability to promote healing and improve function.
Acupuncture is used to treat the following conditions: -Arthritis -Allergies -Skin conditions -Sinus problems -Low back pain -Neck pain -Headaches -Extremity pain -TMJ (jaw) problems -Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -Insomnia -Dysmmenorhea (menstrual cramps) -Digestive disorders -Appetite and smoking control
Does Acupuncture hurt? You may experience a slight soreness or numbness but in the majority of cases, patients report no sensation or a very mild tingling.
How does it work? According to eastern philosophy, an imbalance in Qi (best desribed as the body's innate ability to balance itself) can result in disease . Acupuncture needles are placed along highly specific points to improve the flow of Qi and restore natural balance in the body.
How many treatments does it take before I know if know acupuncture works for me? Depending on the nature of the condition you may begin to notice evidence of improvement anywhere between 1-8 visits.
Can I get acupuncture at the same time as other treatments? Yes. Acupuncture can be a great compliment to chiropractic and massage therapy.
Can acupuncture help me quit smoking? Acupuncture can help reduce the craving associated with smoking. It is best to have a course of acupuncture once you have decided to quit smoking.
Can acupuncture help me lose weight? Acupuncutre can reduce the desire to snack between meals. In addition to acupuncture, a balanced diet and exercise are the best strategies for success when pursuing the goal of weight loss.
Are the needles sterilized? New, sterilized, disposable needles are used for each and every acupuncture treatment. Consequently there is no need to fear the possibility of transmission of disease through the needles.
Is acupuncture covered by OHIP? No, however most extended health care cover acupuncutre treatment. Our reception staff can help you determine whether you have coverage if you are unsure about your specific coverage.