T.M.J. Pain (Jaw Pain) If you place your fingers in front of each ear and open your jaw, you'll feel lots of clicking, or a grinding movement. This is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), a place where your skull's temporal bone attaches to your mandible (Jaw).
Because this joint comprises of a large number of ligaments, cartilage, fascia, discs, muscles, nerves and blood vessels that run around and through it, you can have all kinds of problems: trouble opening the mouth wide; a locked jaw; headache; clicking or popping sounds, tinnitus (ringing in the ears); throat fullness; shoulder, cheek or jaw pain; neck ache; facial nerve pain; ear or eye pain; dental pain; nausea; blurred vision and dizziness when the TMJ joint is misaligned.
An unhealthy skull/jaw alignment can put great stress upon the spinal column. By relieving pressure on the upper neck and bones of the skull, chiropractic treatment may relieve or correct TMJ problems. There are also documented cases of dental problems that, once corrected, help patients to hold their spinal adjustments for longer periods between chiropractic treatments.
All TMJ sufferers need chiropractic treatment, anyone who has been to the dentist should follow up with a check up from their chiropractor.