Motor Vehicle Accident (Whiplash) If you know what to expect from your body after a car accident, it can be a little less scary. The most common injury from a car accident is whiplash in the neck. This means that your neck went through a rapid, forceful backward and forward movement without regular muscle control.
Typical Symptoms: - Onset of neck soreness by the end of the day. - Significant pain and stiffness in the back of the neck and shoulders for 2 to 3 days afterward. - Headaches in the base of the skull that may wrap around your head. - Head may feel heavy and be difficult to hold up. - Unusual fatigue.
Chiropractic treatment can help alleviate and in some cases prevent apearance of these symptoms. Treatment is most effective the sooner after injury it begins, but can be helpful at any point following the accident.
Starting Points for Self-help: - Ice your neck for 10 to 15 minutes 3 to 5 times per day. - Wear a scarf firmly around your neck to give your muscles a chance to relax and not have to work so hard to hold your head up
Beginning Gentle Movement: -Nod: Pretend there is a stick going through your ears. This forms an axis. Gently nod yourhead around the stick. You can do this lying down, but don’t lift your head off the pillow. Make only small movements.
-Neck rotation: While lying down with your head and neck supported and making sure to maintain good posture, gently rotate your head from one side to the other. Avoid pushing into pain.
Knowing when to seek help: If you experience any of the following symptoms it is imperative that you arrange for a thorough examination (including integrity of joints of spine, nerves, muscles, legaments and tendons) as soon as possible.
-Neck and/or back pain -Numbness or tingling in your face, hands, or feet. -Changes in your vision (double, blurry) or speech (slurred). -Light-headedness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, or nausea. -Changes in bowel or bladder function. -Co-ordination problems (unusual clumsiness such as dropping things, bumping into walls). -Ringing in your ears.
Dr. Missaghi has extensive experience treating patients with motor vehicle accidents injuries. He has a fellowship in rehabilitation, meaning that he has received multiple years of training in treatment of injuries such as car accidents that require a multifaceted approach to ensure maximum recovery.
At our centre, a treatment plan would be designed for your particular needs that may include chiropractic treatment, massage therapy, exercise therapy, and acupuncture. The cost of services will be submitted to your extended health insurance or auto insurance plan. In most cases, all expenses are covered by your insurance company. A typical course of treatment takes an average of 8 to 12 weeks to complete. More serious injuries may require longer treatment. The goal of the treatment is to return you to all your activities of daily living including work, domestic, and leisure tasks as quickly as possible.