Chiropractic for Chronic Back Pain About a third of the millions of people who make appointments with chiropractors every year seek relief from back pain. Back pain can be acute, meaning it happens suddenly, lasts 6 weeks or less and often clears up on its own; or back pain can be chronic, meaning it comes on gradually and lasts 3 months or more. Chronic back pain can be particularly debilitating and can limit movement and mobility. Traditional treatments for back pain include medication, physical therapy, surgery or steroid injections. While these treatments may provide symptomatic relief, they do not address the root cause of the pain. They can also be painful and expensive to carry out. The foundation of chiropractic care for chronic back pain is the understanding that misaligned vertebrae can cause the pain. This misalignment can result in many additional problems, such as headaches, body pains and impaired joint mobility. Chiropractic treatment aims to restore alignment to the vertebrae, returning natural health to the spine and all the body parts the spinal nerves serve. Chiropractors believe in the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Chiropractic care avoids medications and their possible side effects, and it also avoids surgery. As an example of the differences in treatment, surgeons may remove a herniated disk from the spine in order to relieve pressure on the nerves, while chiropractors use non-invasive spinal manipulation to achieve the same result. Your chiropractor will treat your chronic pain based on the vertebral misalignments found in your body. A quick, sudden force is applied to the appropriate vertebrae in order to restore the motion of the joint. Another common treatment for chronic pain is known as the flexion-distraction technique. This treatment involves a special table that stretches the spine. It is particularly effective in treating injuries to the discs that have been the cause of long-term back pain. Chronic back pain will probably also require additional treatments such as massage, exercise, and perhaps physical therapy. A good chiropractor will work with other health professionals as needed to ensure you get the best possible treatment for your pain. He or she will also look at the entire picture of your life, including your diet, health habits, medical history, family history, and other conditions you may have. This approach is holistic and has a better chance of eliminating the root cause of your chronic back pain than traditional treatments that only work on the symptoms. Every body is different. If you have questions about this article or whether chiropractic is an appropriate choice for your specific situation, please ask. We are here to help!
1.Lift properly. Never lift while bending or twisting at the waist. Use the strength of your legs, not your back to lift.
2. Take frequent breaks from prolonged sitting when at work, traveling, or at home. Get up and move around, stretch every 30 minutes. 3. Sleep on your side with knees slightly bend, not on your stomach. Use a supportive pillow or mattress to keep your spine straight. 4. Nicotine restricts blood flow to the spinal area making pain and injury more likely. stop smoking. 5. Exercise, eat wisely, and keep your weight within ten pounds of your ideal weight to take the strain of your back. 6. pregnancy places extra demands on the back which often causes pain. You would benefit from regular exercise and chiropractic care during the course of pregnancy. 7. Do not read or watch TV in bed or on furniture that does not give you proper support. 8. The body's foundation starts with the feet, so wear proper foot wear whenever possible. This can also help to reduce the strain your feet place on the back and hips. Have your foot biomechanics examined. You may benefit from wearing orthotics. |
AuthorPosted by Dr. Babak Missaghi Archives
August 2017