An alternative medical system that takes care of spinal health, chiropractic has become an increasingly popular treatment option for people who experience chronic pain in various areas of their body. If you are one of them, you might be wondering if it is the best way to solve your long-time battle with pain. The following are six reasons to convince you why opting for this alternative treatment system can be the best thing you will ever do for your health.
1. The treatment is safe. No actual data or study has proven that such alternative treatment is harmful to one's health in any way. This fact is interesting, considering that the procedure is practiced almost a million times in the United States every day. Rarely do complications occur in these cases. Since chiropractic services are non-invasive, it is easier to predict the possible response of a patient's body to this treatment compared to surgery and drugs. Thus, your risks are lower if you seek help from a chiropractor rather than resorting to surgical procedures and prescription drugs. 2. It is proven effective. A number of third-party and scientific studies have proven that the spinal manipulation therapy performed by chiropractors is effective and appropriate for a wide range of health issues. Some studies even show that such treatment works better for lower back pain than other alternatives available nowadays. 3. It is a low-cost treatment option. You can save more money if you receive treatment from a chiropractor instead of a physician. Studies have also proven the affordability of this alternative treatment, which is an advantage for patients with a limited budget. 4. A chiropractor is not just a "back doctor." A doctor specializing in spinal manipulation does not only help relieve back pain, but also give expert advice on a wide range of health concerns. These concerns include stress management, safety in the workplace, proper posture, and injury prevention. 5. The healing system is founded on established scientific principles. The treatment has a scientific basis—it is not formulated from baseless assumptions. Thus, nobody can cast a doubt on its validity. This alternative medical practice zeroes in on the nervous system, which is the body's main control system, and its relationship with the spine. Any misalignment of the spine's joints results in pain, limited range of motion, and poor motor coordination, among others. These symptoms are what exactly a chiropractor helps improve by realigning the joints and reducing pressure within the muscles. After performing that, the body immediately reacts by relieving the pain. 6. Practitioners are considered main health care providers. Licensed in every provice of Canada, these specialists provide primary care services, just as osteopaths and medical doctors do. They are required to complete at least an undergraduate degree in that specific field. Their extensive knowledge allows these health care professionals to perform proper diagnosis and find solutions for spine disorders. So you can trust a chiropractor to provide you with a high level of health care based on your unique condition.
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AuthorPosted by Dr. Babak Missaghi Archives
August 2017